“Dear Sam
Going to dinner at Trevor and Kit’s tonight. Had the usual hoo-had about what to wear. Not me, of course. I know what to wear. Trousers and shirt. But Lucy finds these decisions much more preplexing. What’s more, she insists on dragging me into her dilemmas and then blaming me for them! She stands there in her underwear and says, ‘ Which do you think, the red or the blue? ’ Well, I know of course the clever thing would be to refuse to answer, because there’s no chance in this world or the next of saying the right thing. Nonetheless, inevitably I have a stab at it.
- Uhm, the red?
- So you don’t like the blue?
- I didn’t say that.
- I was going to wear the blue.
- Well wear the blue, then.
- Well I can’t now, can I? Since you obviously think I look horrible in it... Now I’ve got to start thinking all over again… (…)”in Inconceivable, de Ben Elton.
Ora bem, isto tudo se resolvia, se os meninos adivinhassem qual é roupinha que nós queriamos usar, porque no fundo é isso que nós queremos… Acho eu…Vá, ou então depende dos dias e queremos mesmo é ter alguém com quem argumentar… Mas não é por mal, no fim continuamos a gostar muito de vocês =P
1 comentário:
Somos mesmo... MARAVILHOSAS! =)
Nos meses em que partilhei casa com um amigo (sim, amigo!), fazia-lhe a vida negra com questões dessas. Ainda hoje, quando cá vem, entra em pânico quando me ouve dizer "Vá, vou me vestir para irmos". :D
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